Check out these tools from DEKALB that will help ensure a successful harvest. It includes: Planting Tips,
Insect Forecast, Insect Calendars, Disease and Weed Calendars, Corn Diagnostic Guide, Value Calculator,
Planter Settings, and the Harvest Moisture Advantage Calculator. is the teaching platform used by SDSU Extension to assure state of the art program delivery. You can find
valuable growing information for the South Dakota area to help provide for a better planting season.
Extension Offices
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension offices offer many compiled resources.
The Univesity of Minnesota Extension offices.
U.S. Drought Portal
Check out the U.S. Drought Monitor to view many maps for current conditions, as well as future outlooks to help you plan out your season.
The National Agricultural Statistics Service provides agricultural stats for all of South Dakota.
National Weather Service
Check out the National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office has many helpful forecasts and weather information.